Increase your profits with credit card acceptance. Credit cards remain one of the dominant forms of payment among consumers throughout the country, and offering credit card acceptance can increase your revenues and improve your customers’ shopping experience. Graphite Payments offers processing services for Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, Diners Club, and JCB as well as private label and smart cards.
Expand your customer base
There are over 641 million credit cards in circulation, accounting for an estimated $1.5 trillion in credit spending! Adding credit acceptance to your business is a great way to bring in new customers. You will also experience improved loyalty and increased repeat shopping from your current customers who prefer making credit payments.
How to accept credit
Credit cards can be accepted using several methods such as:
- Utilizing a free terminal
- Integrating a secure web application
- Utilizing integrated terminal (e.g. Gas Station)
- Through an embeded credit card terminal such a self-serve kiosk
Better systems, better choice
TransAcc offers processing solutions for a complete range of business types and situations to accept credit cards. Our systems are designed to save you money and make the practical aspects of payment processing safe, fast and hassle-free for every industry we serve.
TransAcc solutions not only give you the opportunity to take advantage of our competitive MasterCard® and Visa® rates, but also support American Express®, Discover®, Diners Club®, debit, corporate cards, EBT cards, and emerging electronic payment options, always with responsive service and quick and reliable settlement to your financial institution.
Start your TransAcc experience today. Click on the button below to open a communication channel with our team.